Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Office, be coloured!

Coloured blazers? Whether your a yay-er or nay-er (?) 
They're here to replace the drudgery of office black.

Both images courtesy of

Sunday, July 8, 2012

The MARCS campaign

 Shirt (supre), Coat (2nd hand), Lace Dress (Boutique), Boots (K-mart), Ribbon bow-tie (spotlight)

The look below is what I was trying to emulate. I tend to get stuck into style ruts with fashion and so I look to fashion magazines and advertorials to help me out. Some may call it cheating, but it is one of the easiest way to try something new without the $$ cost of a personal stylist.  

 **me trying to awkwardly, I think I should just stick to the fashion.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Shepherd's Delight

Do you know the saying 'Red in the morning, shepherd's warning. Red at night, shepherd's delight.'? I heard there's a similar one for sailors. Anyway just thought I'd share this lovely sunset with you, taken from my bedroom window. See, Australia isn't that bad !

Sunday, July 1, 2012

New and Second-hand.

Stripe Cardigan+Scarf (Harris Scarfes), Faux Leather Shorts (Chic-a-booti), Boots (K-mart)

Went to the beach with my friend today (she just got her licence!) and couldn't help but make a visit to the Red Cross 2nd Hand Store which is alongside the beach. They had a half-price sale and I got the White Slip for $3.50 and the dress for $2.50 ! ! The dress is a bit raunchy, being leopard print, but I hope I can play it down with a scarf and tights for daily use. The bag was from the Sportsgirl sale. It's ponyhair, nuff' said.

Also went to this new ice-cream store where you make it all yourself. Are they common in other states/countries?? It was very nice with cool flavours like green tea and lamington, but it's so easy to over indulge! It ended up being quite pricey...

I tried to be healthy by topping it with fruit, but soo much ice-cream...

DIY sneak peak

DIY coming soon! What would would you create with these colourful wooden beads?